Set Up

To begin, you will need to set up the game.

Beginner Layout

Beginner Layout

Advanced Layout

Advanced Layout

Step 1

Choose 1 layout from the 2 above. Lay out the tiles accordingly.

Step 2

Shuffle remaining tiles (includes road, Green Space and Huat tiles). Deal 3 tiles to each player, face up.

Step 3

Randomly place remaining tiles face down to complete the 6x6 grid. Then, flip them over. Replace any Huat tiles on the grid with a road tile.

Note: This is to ensure that the arrangement of tiles is truly random.

Step 4

Stack remaining tiles to form the draw deck.

Step 5

Shuffle the Crisis tiles. Keeping them face down, choose 4 randomly.

Step 6

Divide the draw deck into 3 roughly equal stacks. Slot 1 Crisis tile into each stack and shuffle them. Place the 3 stacks on top of the 4th Crisis tile to form the draw deck.

Note: This is to ensure that Crisis tile do not come into the game too early, too late, or too soon after one another.

Shuffle Tiles

Step 7

Shuffle Superpower cards face down and deal 1 to each player. Take the player token that matches the colour of your Superpower card.

Step 8

Place each player token on a Community Centre. Each Community Centre must have at least 1, and at most 3, player tokens on it.

Step 9

Hand out an Instruction Card to each player.

Strategize as a team and decides who starts first.

During your turn

A game of Resourcity is played in clockwise order. Starting with the first player, the current player does a combination of the following Actions listed below, after which it is the next player’s turn, and so on and so forth.

At the start of each player’s turn, move 1 Food and 1 Water token into the ‘Used’ pile.

Food Token

Food Token

Water Token

Water Token

You may take up to 4 Actions each turn.

You may do the same Action several times, each time counting as 1 Action. Your Superpower may change how an Action is done.


Move to an adjacent tile, following the road.You cannot move to an adjacent tile if its road is disconnected from your current tile. Moving by 1 tile counts as 1 Action. A maximum of 3 players can be on 1 tile together.

Cost: None


Rotate tile you ore standing on, or any adjacent tile by 90 degrees.

Cost: 1 Fuel


Choose a tile from your hand to Replace the tile you are standing on, or any adjacent tile (including Community Centre tiles).

You may Rotate the tile while placing it. Roads do not need to make sense (be continuous).

Replacing a tile with a road tile costs 3 Fuel tokens.

Replacing a tile with a Green Space tile costs only 1 Fuel token.

Draw a new tile only at the end of your turn.

Cost: 3 fuel (Road tiles)

Cost: 1 fuel (Green Space)


If standing on a Community Centre, you can Teleport your player token to any other Community Centre.

Cost: None

Use Superpower

Cost: None

See Superpower Cards


Plant, Grow, Harvest

See farm actions

End of your turn

At the end of your turn,

If you have 3 tiles left in your hand (ie. did not use any tiles in your hand), you must discard 1 tile into the Discard Pile. Draw 1 new tile immediately.

If you have less than 3 tiles left in your hand (ie. used some tiles), simply draw new tiles until you have 3 tiles in your hand.

Some actions may have unintended consequences, such as starting a Crisis, or creating a Farm!

Forming Loops - Farm

Farms help to replenish the Resources that were consumed by Actions.

You may build a Farm within any closed loop formed by roads.

There is no size limit to a Farm.

Each intersection in a Farm is a Plot. Plots can grow 1 Crop type each. See below for examples. Different Crops can be Harvested to replenish specific Resources:

  • Sugar Cane can replenish Fuel
  • Sweet Potato can replenish Food
  • Water Catchments collecting Rainwater can replenish Water
Image 1Image 2
Image 3Image 4

Water Catchments must be placed

adjacent to a Green Space.

Image 5Image 6

Farms can be any shape

(ie. need not be a square).


Farming takes place in 3 stages: Plant, Grow, Harvest.

In each turn, you can make at most 1 farming Action per Plot.


First, Plant a Crop in your Farm.

Planting is 1 Action, and costs Resources. Players must be adjacent to a Plot to Plant there.

To Plant,

1. Move the Resource tokensfrom the Resource Pool to the Used Pile. Each Crop type requires a different number of Resources in order to be built.

See Instruction Card

2. (Water Catchment only) Place a Water Catchment tokenon the Plot.

3. Place 1 corresponding Crop tokenon the Plot.


Next, Grow your Crops.

Growing is 1 Action, and does not cost Resources. Players must be adjacent to a Plot to Grow there.`

To Grow Crops, place 1 Crop tokenon the Plot. Each Crop type needs a different number of Crop tokens before it can produce a Harvest.


You must have 3 Sugar Cane tokens on a Plot before you can proceed to Harvest.

Remember, in each turn, you can make at most 1 farming Action per Plot.

You can only Grow Crops on each Plot once per turn, but can Grow Crops in multiple different Plots per turn.

You may not Grow and Harvest Crops immediately from a Plot during the same turn.


Next, Grow your Crops.

Growing is 1 Action, and does not cost Resources. Players must be adjacent to a Plot to Grow there.

To Grow Crops, place 1 Crop token on the Plot. Each Crop type needs a different number of Crop tokens before it can produce a Harvest.


Finally, you can Harvest.

Harvesting is 1 Action, and does not cost Resources. Players must be adjacent to a Plot to Harvest there.

Once a Plot has reached the number of Crop tokens required for a Harvest, you must Harvest all Crop tokens from that Plot.

To Harvest,

1. Remove the complete set of Crop tokens from the board and keep them with you. (Water Catchment only) Leave the Water Catchment token in place.

2. (Sugar Cane/Sweet Potato only) Collect 1 Compost token and immediately place it on the Plot you just Harvested from. See the Compost section below for more details.

3. Once you are standing on a Community Centre tile, you may exchange your Crop tokensfor the corresponding Resource tokens(Move Harvested Resource tokens from ‘Used’ to the ‘Available’ pile in the Resource Pool). See the table on your Instruction Card.


Plots with a Compost token have healthier soil and can Grow Crops faster.

Compost tokens act as a free Crop token (for Sugar Cane and Sweet Potato only). This means that you require 1 less Crop token before you can proceed to Harvest.

Note: You must still consume Resources to Plant a Crop at that Plot.

Your Image


Instead of requiring 3 Sugar Cane tokens on a Plot, you only require 2 Sugar Cane tokens and 1 Compost token before you can proceed to Harvest.

When Harvesting, remove both the Compost and Crop tokens before exchanging them for Resources at any Community Centre.

Farm Examples

Crisis Cards

If you drew a Crisis tile from the draw deck, follow the instructions written on the tile.

Crisis situations may affect your Resources, Farms, Tiles or Actions.


Huat Cards

If you drew a Huat (發) tile from the draw deck, follow the instructions written on the tile.

They include community and chance situations that positively affect your Resources, Farms or Actions.

Community Day


You may use your Superpower during your turn only.


Game Component


Road x15
Road x20
Road x10
Road x14
Road x6
Green Space x8
Community Centre x3
Crisis x10
Huat x4

Resource Tokens

x4 x4
x4 x4
x4 x4

Farm Tokens

Sugar Cane x10
Sweet Potato x10
Water Catchment x5
Rainwater x10
Compost x8
Superpower Cards x6
Player Tokens x6
Instruction Cards x6

Instruction Card